Frequently asked questions.

Who do I contact if I have questions?



Can I bring my own food and beverages?

Yes, you are welcome to bring food and beverages for consumption during the time you’re at Club Facilities; however you are required to clean up and remove any leftovers and place into trash bins. Do not store your own personal food and beverages when you are not here. The Club reserves the right to dispose of any food or beverages.

Can I use a locker?

You can purchase use of a locker, but please note the Club is not responsible for any loss or damage including theft of any personal property in the Club Facilities, including property in a locker.  Accessing a locker other than one paid for by you is not allowed and may result in cancellation of your membership at the Club’s discretion.

What should I do before leaving the Club Facilities?

Please return everything to the way it was found, including returning tables/chairs to the proper place, putting trash in trash bins, wiping down tables if needed, etc.


Can I use different terrain on a gaming table?

Yes, you are welcome to use the Club’s terrain sets and swap table terrain as needed for your game. However, when your game is finished you must return the terrain to its appropriate bins on the shelves. If you mix and match terrain from different thematic sets, please put it all back in the appropriate bins on the shelves and replace the thematic terrain back on the table when finished.


Can I use products on the shelves?

Yes, if they are open and not on the retail racks, you are welcome to use them. Please return them as found.


Can I purchase products?

Yes, you can purchase any products by emailing  promptly upon taking such products. Please include a photo of the barcode of the product and the quantity you wish to purchase.


What’s the deal with the stuff in the display cases?

Items in the display cases are for display only and may not be handled or removed.


Am I allowed to have a charcoal fire on the furniture?



Can I make myself at home here?

Yes and no. The Club wants you to enjoy your time and have fun, but remember you are not at home. You share the Club Facilities with other members and guests so please be considerate and don’t do things like taking your shoes off, sleeping, leaving your messes behind, etc.